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  • Summary & Details

Evaluation of Rib Deformation of THOR Dummy in Seat Belt Loadings

シートベルト負荷によるTHOR ダミーの胸部変形の評価

Detailed Information



Author(J)1) 徐 蕾, 2) 青島 侑平, 3) 是永 大地, 4) 水野 幸治
Author(E)1) Lei Xu, 2) Yuhei Aoshima, 3) Daichi Korenaga, 4) Koji Mizuno
Affiliation(J)1) 名古屋大学, 2) 名古屋大学, 3) 名古屋大学, 4) 名古屋大学


Abstract(E)The chest of occupants is frequently injured in car crashes. In this research, the chest deflection in a seat belt loading was compared in THUMS, Hybrid III and THOR. There are three modes of rib deformation in THUMS resulted from different load of the seat belt. The first mode of rib deformation is caused by a load applied to the costal cartilage, the mode pattern is caused by load applied to the front edge of rib and the third was S-shaped deformation caused by load applied to the side of rib. Though the S-shaped rib deformation was observed in THOR, the chest deflection of the THOR did not represent rib fracture risks because the measurement points are located at the anterior edge of the rib.

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