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  • Summary & Details

1.2-kV Double-Sided Direct-Cooling Power Module for EV Traction Inverter

Detailed Information

Category(E)Power Semiconductor and Packaging Technologies
Author(E)1) Takeshi Tokuyama, 2) Junpei Kusukawa, 3) Nobutake Tsuyuno, 4) Kei Suzuki
Affiliation(E)1) Hitachi, Ltd., 2) Hitachi, Ltd., 3) Hitachi, Ltd., 4) Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.
Abstract(E)We propose a new 1.2-kV double-sided direct-cooling power module (PM) that uses high thermal conductive insulation sheets. This PM uses two new insulation technologies. The first is a conductor laminated insulation sheet that divides the void voltage inside the insulation sheet to improve a partial discharge voltage compared with a conventional sheet. The second is a new power terminal insulation structure that uses a high comparative tracking index transfer molding resin. This new structure achieves a narrow space design of high voltage DC terminals for reducing stray inductance and enables faster switching speeds. We evaluate the performance of the developed PM, and the results prove its lower thermal resistance and stray inductance performance.

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