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  • Summary & Details

A Study on Purification Performance Improvements of an Urea SCR Catalyst by Active Control of Reductant Concentration


Detailed Information

Author(J)1) 草鹿 仁, 2) 上山 陸人, 3) 関 圭一朗
Author(E)1) Jin Kusaka, 2) Rikuto Ueyama, 3) Keiichiro Seki
Affiliation(J)1) 早稲田大学, 2) 早稲田大学大学院, 3) 早稲田大学大学院
Affiliation(E)1) Waseda University, 2) Graduate School of Waseda University, 3) Graduate School of Waseda University
Abstract(J)本研究では,SCR触媒におけるNOx浄化率予測モデルを構築し,還元剤濃度の能動的制御の検討を行った.Standard SCR条件では,還元剤の供給濃度制御によって,定常供給時の浄化率を維持しながらNH3スリップ量を低減できるという解析結果が得られた.さらに,尿素パルス噴射はNOx浄化率向上にもつながることが計算結果から示唆された.


Abstract(E)In this study, we have developed a numerical model for predicting the NOx purification characteristics of SCR catalysts to investigate active control of the reductant concentration. Under the standard SCR condition, the analysis results show that the amount of NH3 slip can be favorably reduced by active control reductant while maintaining the NOx conversion fraction at the steady-state supply. Moreover, the numerical result also suggests that the pulse injection of urea can promote the NOx conversion fraction.

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