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Paper / Information search system




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  • Summary & Details

Development of New MU-X

新型MU-X の開発について

Detailed Information



Category(E)Technical Papers and Explanation
Author(J)1) 斎藤 千史, 2) 牧 英明
Author(E)1) Chifumi Saito, 2) Hideaki Maki
Affiliation(J)1) いすゞ, 2) いすゞ
Affiliation(E)1) ISUZU, 2) ISUZU
Abstract(J)いすゞ自動車は、MU-X を7 年ぶりにフルモデルチェンジし、2020 年11 月タイから順次販売を開始した。本稿では、フルモデルチェンジに際して、どのような考えで車両の企画、目標設定を行ったかを中心に記載する。また、開発の進め方についても紹介する。


Abstract(E)Isuzu launched the new MU-X, full model changed for the first time in seven years, and started selling on Nov. 2020 in Thailand prior to other markets.This article introduces how we changed and improved new MU-X, and also how we execute the development.

About search


How to use the search box

You can enter up to 5 search conditions. The number of search boxes can be increased or decreased with the "+" and "-" buttons on the right.
If you enter multiple words separated by spaces in one search box, the data that "contains all" of the entered words will be searched (AND search).
Example) X (space) Y → "X and Y (including)"

How to use "AND" and "OR" pull-down

If "AND" is specified, the "contains both" data of the phrase entered in the previous and next search boxes will be searched. If you specify "OR", the data that "contains" any of the words entered in the search boxes before and after is searched.
Example) X AND Y → "X and Y (including)"  X OR Z → "X or Z (including)"
If AND and OR searches are mixed, OR search has priority.
Example) X AND Y OR Z → X AND (Y OR Z)
If AND search and multiple OR search are mixed, OR search has priority.
Example) W AND X OR Y OR Z → W AND (X OR Y OR Z)

How to use the search filters

Use the "search filters" when you want to narrow down the search results, such as when there are too many search results. If you check each item, the search results will be narrowed down to only the data that includes that item.
The number in "()" after each item is the number of data that includes that item.

Search tips

When searching by author name, enter the first and last name separated by a space, such as "Taro Jidosha".