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Countermeasures against wrong-way driving on expressway that take into account the characteristics of older people


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Category(E)Hot Topics
Author(J)1) 二瓶 美里, 2) 玉井 顯, 3) 永見 豊, 4) 鎌田 実
Author(E)1) Misato Nihei, 2) Akiara Tamai, 3) Yutaka Nagami, 4) Minoru Kamata
Affiliation(J)1) 東京大学, 2) 医療法人敦賀温泉病院, 3) 拓殖大学, 4) 元東京大学大学院


Abstract(E)Approximately 70% of the 200 cases of wrong-way driving occur in Japan are caused by older drivers. The purpose of the report is to summarize the current situation and research trends and to organize the items that have been clarified through the experiments conducted for older adults and patients with MCI and to clarify the problem of countermeasures against wrong-way driving. Specifically, we organize the results from experiments of visual behavior to visual countermeasures, verifying the effect of visual countermeasures such as sign and evaluating voice and sign notification of Wrong-way driving for older adults and patients with MCI.

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