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Many-core Scheduling Method for Self-driving Applications


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Category(E)Hot Topics
Author(J)1) 五十嵐 真吾, 2) 安積 卓也, 4) 石郷岡 裕, 5) 堀口 辰也
Author(E)1) Shingo Igarashi, 2) Yuto Kitagawa, 3) 北川勇斗, 3) Tasuku Ishigooka, 4) Tatsuya Horiguchi, 5) Takuya Azumi
Affiliation(J)1) 埼玉大学大学院, 2) 埼玉大学大学院, 4) 日立製作所, 5) 日立製作所
Affiliation(E)3) 大阪大学大学院
Abstract(J)近年, 組込みシステムの大規模化, 複雑化により, マルチ/メニーコアプロセッサを利用した低消費電力と大規模計算を実現する必要がある. 本稿では, Kalray MPPA-256メニーコアプロセッサを対象とした, 自動運転アプリケーション向けのスケジューリングアルゴリズムを提案する.


Abstract(E)Computing platforms for embedded systems are increasingly being transformed into multi-/many-core platforms because embedded systems have become extensive, complex, and automated. In the case of autonomous driving systems, various applications are simultaneously running, and low power consumption and large-scale calculation are required. Many-core processors can meet these requirements. This paper proposes a scheduling algorithm for an automotive driving system expressed in a directed acyclic graph and we use Kalray MPPA-256 as the target many-core processor. On the basis of the architecture of Kalray MPPA-256, task processing that requires large-scale calculation and intercore communication is performed while avoiding communication contention.

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