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Molecular Gas Thermometry with Laser Spectroscopy─Non-contact Temperature Measurement using Optical Frequency Comb─


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Category(E)Hot Topics
Author(J)1) 清水 祐公子, 2) 稲場 肇, 3) 大久保 章, 4) 入松川 知也
Author(E)1) Yukiko Shimizu, 2) Hajime Inaba, 3) Sho Okubo, 4) Tomoya Irimatsugawa
Affiliation(J)1) 産業技術総合研究所, 2) 産業技術総合研究所, 3) 産業技術総合研究所, 4) 産業技術総合研究所


Abstract(E)A gas temperature measurement method using dual optical frequency comb system, which is one of the new thermometry directly linked to Boltzmann’s constant(new definition of Kelvin since 2019), is introduced. This method is a type of laser spectroscopy that utilizes the resonant absorption line of gas molecules, and has features of high accuracy, high speed, and wide measurement range. In this method, since it just irradiates gas molecules with measurement light, it can be expected to be highly applicable to on-site and non-contact measurement.

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