The Activities of Japan Hydrogen Association
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- Non-members (tax incl.):¥1,100 Members (tax incl.):¥880
- Publication code
- 20224294
- Paper/Info type
- Journal of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan
Vol.76 No.5
- Pages
- 110-114(Total 5 p)
- Date of publication
- May 2022
- Publisher
- Language
- Japanese
Detailed Information
Category(J) | ホットトピックス Translation |
Category(E) | Hot Topics |
Author(J) | 1) 福島 洋 |
Author(E) | 1) Hiroshi Fukushima |
Affiliation(J) | 1) 水素バリューチェーン推進協議会/岩谷産業 |
Abstract(J) | 水素バリューチェーン推進協議会(JH2A)は,サプライチェーン全体を俯瞰し,業界横断的に取り組むオープンな組織として,社会実装プロジェクトの実現を通じて水素社会を早期に構築するという理念に賛同する企業によって,2020年12月に設立された.設立から1年が経過し,より活発な活動を推進するため,2022年4月より一般社団法人として活動を開始する.本稿では,これまでの活動と一般社団法人化後の組織体制について紹介する. Translation |
Abstract(E) | Japan Hydrogen Association was established in December 2020 by companies that agree with the philosophy of building a hydrogen society as early as possible through the realization of social implementation projects as an open organization with a bird’s eye view of the entire supply chain and cross-industry initiatives. One year has passed since its establishment, and in order to promote more active activities, it will begin activities as a general incorporated association in April 2022. This paper introduces the past activities and the future structure of the organization after it is incorporated as an incorporated association. |