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Topology Optimization of an Automobile Door Structure using Load Transfer Ustar (U*) Based on the Structure Hierarchy Concept


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Author(J)1) 幺 振鐸, 2) 大宮 正毅, 3) 杉山 太志, 4) 宮下 朋之, 5) 本田 正徳, 6) 河村 力
Author(E)1) Zhenduo Yao, 2) Masaki Omiya, 3) Taishi Sugiyama, 4) Tomoyuki Miyashita, 5) Masanori Honda, 6) Chikara Kawamura
Affiliation(J)1) 慶應義塾大学大学院, 2) 慶應義塾大学, 3) 早稲田大学大学院, 4) 早稲田大学, 5) マツダ, 6) マツダ


Abstract(E)In this study, based on the concept of a structural hierarchy that classifies structures into main primary and secondary structures, topology optimization calculations with a load transfer index Ustar (U* value) were performed for a passenger car door structure. Considering the four conditions of load transfer path theory, the objective function was defined and optimized. The primary structure of the main load transfer path was emerged. For supporting the primary structure, secondary structures were randomly arranged and optimized for improving uniformity and continuity of load transfer on the primary structure. The obtained results showed that the load transfer of the door panel was greatly improved. Considering the door panels as one of the car body structure, i.e. load transfer members, the optimized door panels contribute to enhance the specific stiffness of the car body structure.

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