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Pedestrian Accidents in Michigan from the Vulnerable Road User Injury Prevention Alliance (VIPA)


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Author(J)1) 江島 晋, 2) 後藤 司, 3) Keon Timothy, 4) 渡森 孝有
Author(E)1) Susumu Ejima, 2) Tsukasa Goto, 3) Timothy Keon, 4) Takatomo Watamori
Affiliation(J)1) SUBARU, 2) SUBARU, 3) North American Subaru, 4) SUBARU
Abstract(J)ミシガン州における歩行者の事故実態を把握すると伴に,歩行者の死亡事故のシナリオを作成する.VIPA Limitedより事故の発生状況について分析し,それに基いた事故事例をVIPA In-Depthより抽出する.その結果,夜間横断中の歩行者の死亡事故が多く,重症以上の頭部傷害の発生頻度が最も高かった.


Abstract(E)The purpose of this study is to understand the actual situation of pedestrian crashes in Michigan (U.S.) and to create a scenario of fatal injury. Accident analysis was conducted based on the VIPA (Vulnerable Road Users Injury Prevention Alliance) datasets, and the accidents scenario were extracted from detailed field investigations and subsequent assessment of pedestrian kinematics. It was found that the fatal accidents of pedestrians while crossing the road were occurred with a passenger car at night. The detailed accident was analyzed in terms of AIS (Abbreviated Injury Scale) severity by body region and the frequency of AIS 3+ injured body regions were shown at head, thorax and lower extremity in a nighttime. The distribution of contacts were higher at head, thorax and lower extremity injuries from windshield, hood surface, and hood edge, respectively. In addition, injuries to the thorax and the lower extremity of AIS 3+ were observed only at night and the configuration of injuries were differed between day and night.

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