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  • Summary & Details

Comparison of Solid Particle Number Emission of Gasoline Direct Injection Vehicles between CVS and Tailpipe Samplings


Detailed Information

Author(E)1) Kazuki Nakamura, 2) Izumi Fukano, 3) Seiichi Hosogai, 4) Christos Dardiotis, 5) Christoph Kandlhofer
Affiliation(E)1) AVL Japan, 2) AVL Japan, 3) Honda Motor, 4) AVL List, 5) AVL List
Abstract(J)ガソリン直噴エンジンの固体粒子数排出規制は、2014年にCVSを用いた計測値に対して、また、2016年に実路走行時のテールパイプでの計測値に対して、導入された。しかしながら、これらの計測値の差異には不明な点が多い。本稿では、UNECE R83準拠のパーティクルカウンタを用いて、CVSとテールパイプでの固体粒子数の差異を議論する。


Abstract(E)The Solid Particle Number (SPN) emissions of Gasoline Direct Injection (G-DI) light duly vehicles are regulated by its measurements from a Constant Volume Sampling (CVS) system since 2014 and from on-board tailpipe as Real Driving Emissions (RDE) with a Conformity Factor (CF) of 1.5 since 2016. However, their difference is of concern due to coagulation and losses of particles as well as measurement repeatability and reproducibility of instruments. This study discusses the difference of the SPN measurements between CVS system and tailpipe with particle counters which are compliant with United Nations Economic Commissions for Europe (UNECE) Regulation 83.

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