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  • Summary & Details

Power Control in Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer for Hybrid Vehicles Experimental Verification on High-Speed Rotary Bench

ハイブリッド車向け走行中ワイヤレス給電の電力制御に関する研究 高速回転型ベンチ実験検証

Detailed Information

Author(J)1) 津下 聖悟, 2) 岡崎 俊太郎, 3) 橋本 俊哉, 4) 永井 栄寿, 5) 藤田 稔之, 6) 藤本 博志
Author(E)1) Shogo Tsuge, 2) Shuntaro Okazaki, 3) Toshiya Hashimoto, 4) Sakahisa Nagai, 5) Toshiyuki Fujita, 6) Hiroshi Fujimoto
Affiliation(J)1) トヨタ自動車, 2) トヨタ自動車, 3) トヨタ自動車, 4) 東京大学, 5) 東京大学, 6) 東京大学
Affiliation(E)1) Toyota Motor, 2) Toyota Motor, 3) Toyota Motor, 4) The University of Tokyo, 5) The University of Tokyo, 6) The University of Tokyo


Abstract(E)Electric Vehicles are expected to be widespread for reducing CO2, however there are many issues. On the other hand, Hybrid Vehicles are already widespread. Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer for Hybrid Vehicles can be one of the effective means to improve the actual electric driving rate, however precise control of receiving power is required because of small allowable battery power. In this paper, we propose power control method by transmission inverter and PWM AC/DC converter, and show results of power control on high-speed rotary bench at 40km/h.

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