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Practical Uses for Road Noise Cancellation

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Author(E)1) Frank Valeri, 2) Chris Stirlen
Affiliation(E)1) General Motors LLC, 2) General Motors LLC
Abstract(E)Today’s automotive customers have come to expect luxury and electric vehicles to be quiet and refined pieces of machinery. As customers have come to expect powertrain cancellation in most vehicles today, they are also increasingly looking for a reduction in road noise to improve their overall perception of luxury and electric vehicles. While the field of noise cancellation is ever expanding, several auto makers are exploring the possibility of introducing a real time Road Noise Cancellation (RNC) system to meet these customer expectations. An RNC system can be integrated into the vehicle infotainment system and be utilized to either noticeably reduce or shape the vehicle noise floor. This paper will look at the current traditional Noise and Vibration (N&V) methods of reducing road noise and then also the benefits associated with actively controlling the amount of road noise using an RNC system.

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