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Systematic Approach to Overcome Cavitation Noise Issue in Decoupled Hydraulic Mount

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Author(E)1) Sagar Deshmukh
Affiliation(E)1) Tata Motors, Ltd.
Abstract(E)NVH refinement of passenger vehicle is very much essential to level that customer did not find any irritation. Engine mounting selection and design is critical to achieve targeted NVH performance. Most of OEM’s are using properly tuned hydromount to have best idling NVH performance. Hydro-mount design should be tuned at problematic frequency where we can get the very low dynamic stiffness and can get the required performance. Hydromount should be designed carefully otherwise there will be abnormal noise due to cavitation effect. Cavitation noise is such a noise which is very difficult to identify that it is coming from mount. Cavitation is the formation and collapse of vapor bubbles in a working fluid when local static pressure falls below the vapor pressure of the working fluid. Systematic approach is presented in this paper to detect cavitation noise from hydraulic mount and how to overcome the same.

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