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SAE Light Vehicle Exterior Sound Level History

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Author(E)1) Kaitlin Spak, 2) Richard Schumacher
Affiliation(E)1) Exponent Inc., 2) (Retired) General Motors LLC & RS Beratung
Abstract(E)The Society of Automotive Engineers Light Vehicle Exterior Sound Committee recognizes the value of preserving historical knowledge regarding the standards developed and reviewed by the committee. To memorialize the knowledge gained and lessons learned over the years, the current committee reached out to the chair of the committee during its formative years, Mr. Richard Schumacher, to discuss the rationale and reasoning for many of the early decisions made regarding vehicle sound standards. This work preserves those discussions and relates the history of some of the most commonly used sound level standards.
In this paper and presentation, the formation of the committee is discussed, particularly in relation to EPA’s original concern with vehicle noise, as well as the alignment between SAE standards and ISO standards for vehicle noise measurements. The role of the committee is examined, and the review process for SAE vehicle sound standards is explained. A variety of lessons learned and specific instances of standard modification or revision based on the findings of committee members and users of the standards are highlighted. Best practices for implementing standards, including the use of technically skilled individuals to perform testing, are described.
As part of this work, the categories for standard review are explained, challenges that the committee has faced through the years are discussed, and the histories of specific standards are reviewed. Historical information about J57, J366, J986, J1030, J1169, J1470, J1492, and J2805 is included. It is the authors’ hope that collecting this information will preserve the information passed down through the committee and provide insight into the development of vehicle sound standards.

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