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Evaluation of Operational Safety Assessment (OSA) Metrics for Automated Vehicles Using Real-World Data

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Author(E)1) Varun Chandra Jammula, 2) Jeffrey Wishart, 3) Yezhou Yang
Affiliation(E)1) Arizona State University, 2) Science Foundation of AZ, 3) Arizona State University
Abstract(E)Assurance of the operational safety of automated vehicles (AVs) is crucial to enable commercialization and deployment on public roads. The operational safety must be quantified without ambiguity using well-defined metrics. Several efforts are in place to establish an appropriate set of metrics that can quantify the operational safety of AVs in a technology-neutral way, including the Operational Safety Assessment (OSA) metrics proposed by the Institute of Automated Mobility (IAM). The focus of this work is to compute real-world measurements of the relevant safety envelope OSA metrics in car-following scenarios. This allows for an analysis of the impact of different parameters and thresholds and for an evaluation of the individual usefulness of the safety envelope OSA metrics. The current work complements prior IAM work involving evaluating the safety envelope OSA metrics in car-following scenarios in simulation. Video data were collected from infrastructure-based cameras at a traffic intersection in Anthem, AZ. Pairs of vehicles that either interact with each other or influence each other’s decision-making were identified. A methodology was developed using computer vision to localize the vehicles using the video data and fusing them with a map representation to obtain vehicle-vehicle relations and the maneuvers in which they are involved. Longitudinal conflicts in car-following scenarios were filtered to compute the safety envelope OSA metrics. Analysis of the safety envelope OSA metrics results were conducted to identify the usefulness of the various metrics in the car-following scenarios and to make a comparison to the observations from simulation.

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