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Proposal of measurement methodology in the test rig for drivetrain torsional vibration modeling


Detailed Information

Author(J)1) 稲川 圭太, 2) 山口 輝夫, 3) 勝野 雄輝, 4) 笹岡 茂史
Author(E)1) Keita Inagawa, 2) Teruo Yamaguchi, 3) Yuki Katsuno, 4) Shigefumi Sasaoka
Affiliation(J)1) 株式会社小野測器, 2) 株式会社小野測器, 3) 株式会社 小野測器, 4) 株式会社 小野測器
Affiliation(E)1) OnoSokki Co., Ltd., 2) OnoSokki Co., Ltd., 3) OnoSokki Co., Ltd., 4) OnoSokki Co., Ltd.


Abstract(E)It is important to predict the behavior of designed drivetrain and consider reform measures in early phase of development, in order to achieve a variety of requirement such as performance and driveability in a short period. Therefore, we investigated methodology of measuring drivetrain behavior using non-contact sensors, which is useful for building and identifying drivetrain vibration models. This paper introduces the results of measuring torsional vibration of driveshaft with this investigated methodology.

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