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Development of Gasoline Direct Injection Systems for Reducing PN on RDE


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Category(E)PPT slides
Author(J)1) 加藤 真亮
Author(E)1) Masaaki KATO
Affiliation(J)1) 株式会社 SUBARU
Affiliation(E)1) SUBARU Corp.
Abstract(J)RDEにおけるPM・PN低減向けガソリン直噴エンジン燃料噴射系の開発を紹介. RDE開発は過渡の統計分析とHILS活用, 更に車両システムモデルが重要. 燃焼室内soot生成は, 燃料付着量に加え燃焼雰囲気により粒径個数に違いを生じる. インジェクタ噴口改善により定常tip-soot低減が可能. また噴霧パターンは過渡のPN排出ロバスト性に寄与する.


Abstract(E)PM/ PN reduction is required for direct-injection gasoline engines on RDE conditions. Analysis of transient conditions, HILS, and system models of vehicles are used in emission developments on RDE. Relationships between fuel wettings and PN in each injection conditions are clarified, and it has different sensitivities to water temperatures and injection strategies. An evaluation method for an injector aging was established and injector tip-wetting has been reduced for PN reduction with steady operation conditions. Considering transient operation, effects of flow rate distribution for nozzles on PN are also investigated.

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