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Fit for 2035: a Vision for a Heavy-Duty Engines Portfolio in that Year

Fit for 2035: a Vision for a Heavy-Duty Engines Portfolio in that Year

Detailed Information

Author(E)1) Simon Edwards, 2) Trevor Downes, 3) Andrew Auld
Affiliation(E)1) Ricardo GmbH,, 2) Ricardo UK Ltd.,, 3) formerly of Ricardo UK Ltd.,
Abstract(E)In order to help mitigate the effects of climate change, there is need for development and change in the vehicle powertrain technologies of the road transport freight industry. This need is reflected in the regulated emissions levels for such new vehicles within Europe up until 2030 and the recent, regulatory proposals, e.g. ‘Fit for 55’, for net zero emissions in many aspects of societal activity in Europe soon thereafter, at the latest by 2050. Achieving such targets is an immense challenge, which will require changes in the energy carriers (vectors), powertrains, vehicles, operational and infrastructure aspects of road freight transport. Furthermore, the potential routes to such change and their rate indicate that the available powertrain portfolio in 2035 will be pivotal to success or not in meeting this challenge. Following from earlier considerations, in this paper the current understanding of these routes will be reviewed, the necessary, immediate next steps highlighted. It is seen that there is no single solution, that most likely all options will be needed, and that there will be significant bottlenecks along the way, such that it is still not clear if the targets can be achieved, but that research, invention, demonstration and innovation are needed right now.

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