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Numerical Prediction of Mixture Formation Process up to Auto-Ignition of an Ethanol Spray in a Rapid Compression and Expansion Machine


Detailed Information

Author(J)1) 角田 光, 2) 内田 浩二, 3) 齊藤 弘順
Author(E)1) Hikaru Tsunoda, 2) Koji Uchida, 3) Hironori Saitoh
Affiliation(J)1) 崇城大学大学院, 2) 崇城大学, 3) 崇城大学
Affiliation(E)1) Graduate School of Sojo University, 2) Sojo University, 3) Sojo University
Abstract(J)本研究は,高効率CIアルコールエンジン開発のキー技術確立に向け,アルコール噴 霧の自着火現象解明を目的としている.急速圧縮膨張装置と定容燃焼炉を対象にエタノールの噴霧自着火に関する数値解析を行った結果,急速圧縮膨張装置の方が自着火する周囲ガス条件は高温・高圧側であった.本稿では噴霧内の空気過剰率,温度,活性化学種の瞬時空間分布およびその時間履歴から,ガス流動が自着火に及ぼす影響について考察する.


Abstract(E)This study deals with the development of high performance compression ignition Ethanol engines. In order to develop the controlled-auto-ignition-technology, we designed and manufactured a rapid compression and expansion machine (RCEM). Numerical analysis on the mixture formation process of an Ethanol spray in the RCEM was performed prior to the experiments to make clear the surrounding gas conditions at compression TDC and associated intake gas conditions for stable auto-ignition in the RCEM. The effect of gas flow induced in the compression stroke on the mixture formation process up to auto-ignition of an Ethanol spray is mainly discussed in this paper.

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