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  • Summary & Details

Study of the effect of fuel property on ignition and combustion in prechamber ignition system


Detailed Information

Author(J)1) 山下 陸 , 2) 大前 幹鉄, 3) 松浦 翼, 4) 嶋田 不美生 , 5) 田上 公俊, 6) 森吉 泰生
Author(E)1) Riku Yamashita, 2) Kantetsu Omae, 3) Tsubasa Matsura, 4) Fumio Shimada, 5) Kimitoshi Tanoue, 6) Yasuo Moriyoshi
Affiliation(J)1) 大分大学, 2) 大分大学, 3) 大分大学, 4) 大分大学, 5) 大分大学, 6) 千葉大学大学院
Affiliation(E)1) Oita University, 2) Oita University, 3) Oita University, 4) Oita University, 5) Oita University, 6) Graduate School of Chiba University


Abstract(E)The prechamber combustion characteristics were studied using a rapid compression and expansion machine (RCEM) to improve the efficiency of cogeneration natural gas engines. The torch flames generated by a prechamber were used to investigate the effect that a prechamber has on the main combustion. In our previous study, we observed the correlation between the torch flame and the main flame (which is a so-called “prechamber combustion”). In this study, the effect of fuel properties on the main chamber ignition and combustion of the prechamber combustion were investigated in detail.

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