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Fundamental Experiments of the Single-Piston Tri-Octagon type Engine with the Collision of the Pulsed Multi Jets.

Publication code
請川 開 (早稲田大学)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

Hydrogen-air combustion at lean conditions observed in focusing engine leading to relatively- silent and nearly-complete air-insulation effect

Publication code
山田 創太 (早稲田大学)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

Vertification of Distribution Controlled partially Premixed Compression Ignition Concept with Combustion Visualization

Publication code
神崎 淳 (マツダ㈱)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

Experimental Study on Spray Flame Behavior and Wall Heat Flux in Diesel Engine Combustion Chamber under Split Injection Condition

Publication code
Hadi Herry Sufyan (広島大学)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

Study on Rapid Diesel Combustion with Effective Use of Gas Motion in Combustion Chamber

Publication code
小野 兼 (東京工業大学)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

Effect of Swirl Ratio and Injection Conditions on Diesel Combustion Using Offset Orifice Nozzles

Publication code
三浦 拓也 (東京工業大学)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

Optimization of Specifications for Small Two-Stroke Engines for Handheld Equipment Using Genetic Algorithm

Publication code
衞藤 邦淑 (千葉大学)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

Development of Catalyst heating Performance Improvement Technology using Injection Control in a center DI engine

Publication code
草壁 亮 (日立 Astemo㈱)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

Fuel Injection Schedule for a Port-Fuel-Injected Spark-Ignition Engine During Cold Start Considering Wall-Wet

Publication code
倉持 瑞輝 (群馬大学)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

State Estimation of Aftertreatment System Using Modeling Method Based on Machine Learning (Third Report) - Estimation of Error in Input Variables by Unscented Kalman Filter Using Pseudomeasurement -

Publication code
池戸 隆人 (㈱豊田中央研究所)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

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Example) X AND Y → "X and Y (including)"  X OR Z → "X or Z (including)"
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Example) X AND Y OR Z → X AND (Y OR Z)
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Example) W AND X OR Y OR Z → W AND (X OR Y OR Z)

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