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Study on Development of Combustion Variation Control Model Using Machine Learning

Publication code
堀江 康耀 (東京大学)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

Effect of ignition voltage on combustion variability of turbulent jet ignition

Publication code
横井 洸太郎 (茨城大学)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

Effects of light olefins, ethanol and ETBE on the laminar burning velocity and the Markstein lengths of premixed flames of multicomponent fuels consisting of gasoline components

Publication code
Ekenechukwu C. Okafor (Kyushu University)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

Evaluation of Atomization Timing of an Emulsified Fuel Droplet by Reliability Engineering

Publication code
勝木 碩 (工学院大学大学院)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

Proposal of a methanation reactor by imitating an internal combustion engine

Publication code
松浦 友哉 (名古屋大学)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

Syngas Production by Dry Reforming Reactions of Biogas with Piston Compression of Diesel Engines

Publication code
本間 有慧 (北海道大学大学院工学院)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

Blending of Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil on Spray and Flame Characteristics of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters

Publication code
越川 翔生 (同志社大学大学院)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

Performance Evaluation of Railway Diesel Engine Using Biofuel

Publication code
奥野 敬太 ((公財)鉄道総合技術研究所)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

Infrared High-Speed Thermography of Wall Surface Impinged by Diesel Spray Flame ~Effects of Inversed-Delta Injection Rate Shaping using Heavy-Duty TAIZAC on Wall Heat Transfer~

Publication code
木下 浩行 (明治大学大学院)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

Clarification of Fuel Spray impingement phenomenon on Lubricating Oil Film in the Combustion Chamber of Diesel Engines

Publication code
梅原 大那 (同志社大学大学院)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

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