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An Adaptive Flux-Weakening Strategy Considering High-Speed Operation of Dual Three-Phase PM Machine for Electric Vehicles

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Xudong Wang (McMaster University)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


Optimization of Laminated Stack Solutions for Electric Motors in Electrified Vehicles

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Francis Van Der Sluis (Bosch Transmission Technology BV)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


Torque Ripple Cancellation to Reduce Electric Motor Noise for Electric Vehicles

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Song He (General Motors LLC)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


Development and optimization of jet impingement on dimpled plate for maximizing cooling performance of an inverter

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Hyeseung LEE (Hyundai Motor Company)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


Maximum Pulling Force Calculation of Permanent Magnet Tractor Motors in Electric Vehicle Applications

Publication code
Cheng Gong (General Motors LLC)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


Mapping an Optimum DC-Link Voltage across the Entire SiC-Based EV Drive Regions Using a Synchronous Boost DC-DC Converter

Publication code
Sepideh Amirpour (China Euro Vehicle Technology AB)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


Research on Voltage Control of Dual Motor Hybrid System

Publication code
Junchao Jing (Tsinghua University Ningbo)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


Research on Motor Control and Application in Dual Motor Hybrid System

Publication code
Junchao Jing (Tsinghua University)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


Effect of Side Door Check Arm Profile on Side Door Closing Velocity

Publication code
Sharath Keshav T J (Mahindra & Mahindra, Ltd)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


Development of a Light Weight Luggage Board Using the Sandwich Molding Method

Publication code
Hee Sang Park (Hyundai Motor Company)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


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