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A Model-based Approach to Set the Future Target of Fuel Cell Performance for Heavy-duty Applications

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Takao Watanabe (Toyota Central R&D Labs, Inc.)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
May 2023

High Temperature PEMFCs for Heavy Duty Applications - Challenges and Opportunities -

Publication code
Liang Wang (Toyota Research Institute of North America)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
May 2023

Developing Next Generation High Performance Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells Using Metal Foam as Gas Diffusion Layer - Improved Mass Transport in Gas Diffusion Layer with Embedded Gas Flow Channels -

Publication code
Gaohua Zhu (Toyota Research Institute of North America)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
May 2023

X-ray Imaging and Numerical Simulation for Optimization of PEFCs with Advanced Materials

Publication code
Takahiro Suzuki (Osaka University)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
May 2023

New Regulatory Framework for Type Approval and Certification of Hydrogen-powered Vehicles and Their Components in the European Union After Repeal of Regulation (EC) 79/2009

Publication code
Martin Sekura (TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
May 2023

Optimal Energy Management Strategy for a Light-Duty Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicle

Publication code
Tianhong Wang (Southwest Jiaotong University)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
May 2023

CAE Application Method for Determining Basic Structure to Improve Performance of Electrochemical Hydrogen Compression Stacks

Publication code
Toru Honda (Honda R&D Co., Ltd.)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
May 2023

Electrically Coupled Undersea Wireless Power Transfer System with Shielded Electrodes

Publication code
Ikuo Awai (Fujiwaves Co., Ltd.)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
May 2023

Theoretical Analysis for Effectiveness of Spread Spectrum for Resonant Type Wireless Transfer System

Publication code
Atsuo Hatono (Nippon Institute of Technology)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
May 2023

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