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Evaluation of Human Exposure to EMF in the Wireless Charging Environment for Electric Vehicles

Publication code
Jaewon Rhee (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
May 2023

High Efficiency 10kW Class Wireless Power Transmission Using Electric Field Coupling - High Efficiency 10kW Class Wireless Power Transfer by CPT -

Publication code
Naoki Tsurutani (Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd.)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
May 2023

Challenge of Innovative Electric Roadway System Featuring Capacitive Coupling Wireless Power Transfer

Publication code
Yukio Yokoi (Fujiwaves Co., Ltd.)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
May 2023

Interoperability of Wireless Power Transfer

Publication code
Juergen Meins (Technical University of Braunschweig)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
May 2023

A Demonstration of Wireless Power Transfer Roadway System based on Electric Field Coupling

Publication code
Sonshu Sakihara (Taiesi Corporation)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
May 2023

Optimal Location Model of In-motion Wireless Power Transfer System for Trips in Urban-scale Region by Electric Vehicles

Publication code
Yudai Honma (The University of Tokyo)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
May 2023

Development of Integrated On-board Converter for Wireless Power Transfer

Publication code
Ryosuke Ota (Tokyo University of Science)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
May 2023

Verification of the Effects of Cross-Coupling on Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer for Heavy-Duty Vehicles Using Double-LCC Circuits

Publication code
Takahiro Kawakami (Tokyo University of Science)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
May 2023

Report of Burial Technology Applicable to Traffic Zone N6 in Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer

Publication code
Takehiro Imura (Tokyo University of Science)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
May 2023

A Noise-Shaped Signaling Method for Vehicle-to-Everything Security based on Channel State Information

Publication code
Dongryul Park (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
May 2023

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