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A Study on Handling Steering Angle Sensor Failure on Redundancy-Based EPS Systems

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Sangwoo Jeong (HL Mando)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


Simulation Methodology for Failure Analysis of Catalytic Converter Mounting on Commercial Vehicles

Publication code
Bipin Gupta (Forvia Japan K.K.)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


A Study on a Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) Based on Fracture Mechanics Using Deep Learning

Publication code
Byungwoo Moon (Hyundai Motor Group)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


Method for Root Bending Fatigue Life Prediction in Differential Gears and Validation with Hardware Tests

Publication code
Michael A. DeJack (AVL Mobility Technologies, Inc.)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


Development of an Evaluation Method for Fretting Fatigue at the Mating Surface between a Cylinder Block and Main Bearing Cap with Temperature Fluctuations

Publication code
Yuki Otsuka (Honda Motor Co., Ltd.)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


Analysis of Loads Applied to Wheels of Heavy Vehicles and Study on Loosening of Hub Bolts and Nuts

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Soichi Hareyama (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


A New Equation for Modeling S-N data of Steels

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Gang Huang (ArcelorMittal)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


Durability of Elastomeric Bushings Computed from Track-Recorded Multi-Channel Road Load Input

Publication code
William Mars (Endurica LLC)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


A Special User Shell Element for Coarse Mesh and High-Fidelity Fatigue Modeling of Spot-Welded Structures

Publication code
Lunyu Zhang (University of Michigan)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


Fatigue Analysis and Rapid Design Process of Anti-vibration Rubber Parts for Automobiles

Publication code
Nao Sugimoto (Honda R&D Co., Ltd.)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


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