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Towards the Interpretation of Customizable Imitation Learning of Human Driving Behavior in Mixed Traffic Scenarios

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Patrick Rebling (Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


Research on Occupant Injury Prediction Method of Vehicle Emergency Call System Based on Machine Learning

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Zhang Huida (China Automotive Engineering Research Institute Co. Ltd)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


“FEV’s ‘CogniSafe’: An Innovative Deep Learning-Based AI Driver Monitoring System for the Future of Mobility”

Publication code
Ankit Wani (FEV India Pvt, Ltd.)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


Design Method for Integrating Trained Neural Nets with UML

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Masatoshi Arai (Marelli)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


Insides to Trustworthy AI-Based Embedded Systems

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Romana Blazevic (Graz University of Technology)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


A New U-Net Speech Enhancement Framework Based on Correlation Characteristics of Speech

Publication code
Lijun Zhang (Tongji University)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


Predicting Vehicle Engine Performance: Assessment of Machine Learning Techniques and Data Imputation

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Juan Camilo Giraldo Delgado (KAUST)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


Optimization of Body Parts Specifications Using A.I Technology

Publication code
Hyungtae Kim (Hyundai Motor Group)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


Development of an Automatic Pipeline for Data Analysis and Pre-Processing for Data Driven-Based Engine Emission Modeling in a Real Industrial Application

Publication code
Boris Petrone (University of Bologna)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


Validation and Analysis of Driving Safety Assessment Metrics in Real-world Car-Following Scenarios with Aerial Videos

Publication code
Duo Lu (Rider University)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


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