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Robust Control Technology of Autonomous Vehicle on Virtual Magnetic Track

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Kuo-chen Chung (Automotive Research & Testing Center)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


Comparative Analysis of Clustering Algorithms Based on Driver Steering Characteristics

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Chen Chen (Jilin University)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


A Guidance Strategy for Parking Space of Autonomous Valet Parking with Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure System

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Zhouping Zhang (NAIINE)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


Topology and Build Orientation Optimization for Additive Manufacturing: Influence of Printing on Raft and Build Plate

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Luke Crispo (Queen's University)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


Anisotropic Material Behavior of 3D Printed Fiber Composites

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Jordan Garcia (Murray State University)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


Art Meets Automotive: Design of a Curve-Adaptive Origami Gripper for Handling Textiles on Non-Planar Mold Surfaces

Publication code
Dora Strelkova (University of Windsor)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


Polymeric Compounds with Cellulose Nanofibrils for 3D Printing Applications

Publication code
Ana Paula Goncalves (TRL9 LAB Testing and Technical Analysis)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


FRAM Optimization: 3D Print Orientation and Concurrent Topology Optimization for Minimize Mass Problem Statements

Publication code
Noah Ray (Queen's University)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


Additive Manufacturing in Powertrain Development – From Prototyping to Dedicated Production Design

Publication code
Wolfgang Schoeffmann (AVL LIST GmbH)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2024


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