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The Effect of Homogeneous Lean Combustion on Efficiency and Emissions Trends in Natural Gas-Fueled Small Engines

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Nathan Peters (MAHLE Powertrain LLC)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2021


Development Work on the Synthesis of a Variable Stroke Slider-Crank Mechanism for a Variable Compression Ratio Combustion Engine

Publication code
Edison de Jesús Henao Castañeda (Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2021


Modelling of High-Frequency Dynamic Stiffness of Double-Isolation Rubber Isolators

Publication code
Bida Bao (South China University of Technology)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2021


The Analytical Method for Calculating the Hysteretic Behavior of an Asymmetry Tensioner

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Zheng Deng (South China University of Technology)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2021


Modeling and Analysis for Dynamic Performances of a Two-Layer Engine Front End Accessory Drive System with an Overrunning Alternator Decoupler

Publication code
Yi Sun (South China University of Technology)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2021


Prediction of Amplitude-Sensitive Dynamic Characteristics of Hydraulic Engine Mount and Experimental Verification

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Zhibin Wang (South China University of Technology)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2021


Calculation and Optimization Methods for the Dynamic Performances of a Power-Train-Subframe Mounting System

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Zhiyuan Fang (South China University of Technology)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2021


Analysis and Optimization of the Idle Sound Quality Based on RBF Prediction Model

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Yuan Maorong (Guangzhou Automobile Group Co.,Ltd)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2021


Mitigating Vibration for a Heavy-Duty Diesel Cylinder Deactivation Truck

Publication code
Matthew Pieczko (Eaton)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2021


Modeling and Testing Analysis Method of Noise of Hydraulic Engine Mount

Publication code
Zhibin Wang (South China University of Technology)
Paper/Info type
SAE Paper
Date of publication
Apr 2021


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