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Local pressure leveling design method for multi-link mechanism for variable compression ratio engine

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Takayoshi Furukawa (Nissan motor Co., Ltd.)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

Development of model-based control system for a low pressure loop EGR with a negative pressure control valve

Publication code
Taichi Ando (Nissan Motor Co., Ltd)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

Study of Position Sensor less Control to Generator for 100% Electric Drive Hybrid Vehicles

Publication code
Mitsuhiro Shouji (Nissan Motor Corporation)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

Waste plastic pyrolytic oil blends as valuable fuels for modern compression ignition engines

Publication code
Jacek Hunicz (Lublin University of Technology)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

The role of the Heavy Duty Diesel Engine towards a Sustainable Mobility Future

Publication code
Yona Henrik Frekers (DENSO AUTOMOTIVE Deutschland GmbH)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

A Numerical Model for the Virtual Calibration of a Highly Efficient Spark Ignition Engine

Publication code
Luciano Rolando (Politecnico di Torino)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

Comprehensive Quasi-Dimensional Model to Predict Combustion Process, Knock Likelihood and Cycle-by-Cycle Variability in a Hydrogen-Fueled Internal Combustion Engine

Publication code
Andrea Piano (Politecnico di Torino)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

A Study of Autoignition and Combustion Characteristics in an HCCI Engine using a Blended Fuel of DME and City Gas

Publication code
Reo Yamagiwa (Nihon University)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

Numerical Study of Dual Fuel Methanol/Diesel Combustion under Engine-like Condition

Publication code
Khanh Duc Cung (Southwest Research Institute)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

Comparison on Combustion and Emissions Performance of Biodiesel and Diesel in a Heavy-duty Diesel Engine: NOx, Particulate Matter, and Particle Size Distribution

Publication code
Khanh Duc Cung (Southwest Research Institute)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

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