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Autoware Toolbox: MATLAB/Simulink Benchmark Suite for ROS-based Self-driving Software Platform

Autoware Tool box: ROSに基づく自動運転システムとMATLAB/Simulinkの連携フレームワーク

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Category(E)Hot Topics
Author(J)1) 三浦 啓太, 2) 徳永 翔太, 3) 太田 徳幸, 4) 丹下 善晴, 5) 安積 卓也
Author(E)1) Keita Miura, 2) Shota Tokunaga, 3) Noriyuki Ota, 4) Yoshiharu Tange, 5) Takuya Azumi


Abstract(E)We developed a MATLAB/Simulink benchmark suite for an open-source self-driving system based on Robot Operating System (ROS). MATLAB/Simulink provides an interface between ROS and MATLAB/Simulink that enables to create functionalities of ROS-based robots in MATLAB/Simulink. However, it has not been fully utilized in the development of the self-driving systems yet because there are not enough open-source models for the self-driving. Thus the co-development is difficult. Therefore, we provide a MATLAB/Simulink benchmark suite for a ROS-based self-driving system called Autoware. The benchmark helps to design the ROS-based self-driving systems using MATLAB/ Simulink.

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