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Investigation on Precision Evaluation Method of Self-Constructing Map for Autonomous Driving

自動運転用地図の自動生成における地図精度判定手法の検討 -直進走行時の位置推定誤差に基づく白線位置情報の統計的精度評価-

Detailed Information



Author(J)1) 前田 健太, 2) 高橋 絢也, 3) 児島 隆生, 4) ポンサトーン ラクシンチャラーンサク
Author(E)1) Kenta Maeda, 2) Junya Takahashi, 3) Takao Kojima, 4) Pongsathorn Raksincharoensak
Affiliation(J)1) 日立製作所, 2) 日立製作所, 3) 日立製作所, 4) 東京農工大学


Abstract(E)This paper proposes a method to evaluate whether constructed map contains enough amount and precision of landmark information for autonomous driving. The proposed method uses only the map information itself to judge the capability of autonomous driving and therefore the method does not need any trials of autonomous driving control nor simulation, which leads to reduction of time and cost for map evaluation. Firstly, this paper generates the map for autonomous driving using lane-marker positions detected by on-board cameras. Secondly, the generated maps are separated with a certain length of sections and the proposed map evaluation method is applied at every section of the map. The method uses statistical analytics algorithm based on Simple Linear Regression Model, which determines whether the amount and deviation of landmarks (lane-marker positions) assures lateral distance position error of less than 0.5 m. Effectiveness of the proposed method is verified using manual driving data on a test course.

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