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Atomization Process in Multi-hole Nozzle Spray for Port Fuel Injection (Second Report)


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Author(J)1) 西村 佳那子, 2) 松田 大, 3) 松村 恵理子, 4) 千田 二郎
Author(E)1) Kanako Nishimura, 2) Dai Matsuda, 3) Eriko Matsumura, 4) Jiro Senda
Affiliation(J)1) 同志社大学大学院, 2) 同志社大学大学院, 3) 同志社大学, 4) 同志社大学


Abstract(E)In this paper, the dynamic characteristics of fuel spray droplet of multi-hole nozzle for port fuel injection were investigated by applying Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) method. The nozzle angle, injection differential pressure, and atmosphere density were selected as experimental parameters, and the Weber number and dispersion angle of the fuel droplets were measured. The results show that the dispersion angles of the fuel droplets are different depending on the droplet size. Also, the direction of droplet dispersion is greatly influenced by injection conditions, and less influenced by the gas-liquid interaction after injection.

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