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Visualization and Discussion of PM Filtration by SiC Sponge


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Author(J)1) 中津 朋寛, 2) 横山 翔平, 3) 浅井 隆弘, 4) 西保 裕司, 5) 山本 和弘
Author(E)1) Tomohiro Nakatsu, 2) Shohei Yokoyama, 3) Takahiro Asai, 4) Yuji Nishiyasu, 5) Kazuhiro Yamamoto
Affiliation(J)1) 名古屋大学, 2) 名古屋大学, 3) 名古屋大学, 4) 名古屋大学, 5) 名古屋大学


Abstract(E)In this study, using carbon particles as model soot, we examined whether SiC sponge could be used as a gasoline particle filter (GPF), Byusing the microscope, we visualized the particle filtration region. This time, we tested the combination of sponges with different pore sizes anddiscussed the filtration phenomena. It was found that low pressure drop was realized by combining sponges. The pressure drop increased and thefiltration efficiency decreased with increasing SV (space velocity), and the filtration efficiency didn’t reach 100% even when the filtration timewas 600 minutes. Moreover, particles were deposited from the edge of the pore towards the center, and particles were preferentially collected inthe sponge placed upstream.

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