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  • Summary & Details

Improvement of Quietness in the Cabin by Engine Control Based on Road Noise Estimation for 100% Electric Drive Hybrid System


Detailed Information

Author(J)1) 澤田 孝信, 2) 山内 康弘, 3) 寺地 淳, 4) 後藤 昌也, 5) 相墨 翔, 6) 松岡 久祥, 7) 榎本 俊夫
Author(E)1) Takanobu Sawada, 2) Yasuhiro Yamauchi, 3) Atsushi Teraji, 4) Masaya Gotou, 5) Syo Aizumi, 6) Hisayoshi Matsuoka, 7) Toshio Enomoto
Affiliation(J)1) 日産自動車, 2) 日産自動車, 3) 日産自動車, 4) 日産自動車, 5) 日産自動車, 6) 日産自動車, 7) 日産自動車
Affiliation(E)1) Nissan Motor, 2) Nissan Motor, 3) Nissan Motor, 4) Nissan Motor, 5) Nissan Motor, 6) Nissan Motor, 7) Nissan Motor


Abstract(E)Engine start control which detect large road noise using wheel speed fluctuation was developed for 100% electric drive hybrid system. This control contributes to cabin quietness performance improvement as the result of less frequency of engine operating during smooth road driving situation.

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Example) X (space) Y → "X and Y (including)"

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If "AND" is specified, the "contains both" data of the phrase entered in the previous and next search boxes will be searched. If you specify "OR", the data that "contains" any of the words entered in the search boxes before and after is searched.
Example) X AND Y → "X and Y (including)"  X OR Z → "X or Z (including)"
If AND and OR searches are mixed, OR search has priority.
Example) X AND Y OR Z → X AND (Y OR Z)
If AND search and multiple OR search are mixed, OR search has priority.
Example) W AND X OR Y OR Z → W AND (X OR Y OR Z)

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Search tips

When searching by author name, enter the first and last name separated by a space, such as "Taro Jidosha".