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  • Summary & Details

Prediction of Brake Squeal using Complex Eigenvalue Analysis with Low-Degree-Of Freedom Model Focusing on Frictional Energy Inflow


Detailed Information

Author(J)1) 加川 宙, 2) 鎌田 崇義, 3) 井上 映, 4) 中野目 葵
Author(E)1) Sora Kagawa, 2) Takayoshi Kamada, 3) Hayuru Inoue, 4) Aoi Nakanome
Affiliation(J)1) 東京農工大学大学院, 2) 東京農工大学, 3) 日立Astemo, 4) 日立Astemo
Affiliation(E)1) Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 2) Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 3) Hitachi Astemo, 4) Hitachi Astemo


Abstract(E)An establishment of a prediction technology is essential for the reduction of brake squeal. In this study, a mechanism of brake squeal generation is investigated by experiments using a simplified disc brake system and simulation on a complex eigenvalue analysis with low-degree-of-freedom model. This report revealed the energy inflow is caused by the frictional force between the disc rotor and pad, and led to self-excited vibration of the pad.

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