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Analysis of liquid film formation process at low temperature by wall impingement direct injection gasoline spray


Detailed Information

Author(J)1) 松田 大, 2) 西村 佳那子 , 3) 前川 楓馬, 4) 安達 晃, 5) 松村 恵理子, 6) 千田 二郎
Author(E)1) Dai Matsuda, 2) Kanako Nishimura, 3) Fuma Maekawa, 4) Akira Adachi, 5) Eriko Matsumura, 6) Jiro Senda
Affiliation(J)1) 同志社大学大学院, 2) 同志社大学大学院, 3) 同志社大学大学院, 4) 同志社大学大学院, 5) 同志社大学, 6) 同志社大学
Affiliation(E)1) Graduate School of Doshisha University, 2) Graduate School of Doshisha University, 3) Graduate School of Doshisha University, 4) Graduate School of Doshisha University, 5) Doshisha University, 6) Doshisha University


Abstract(E)In a direct-injection gasoline engine, strict control of pollutant emissions at cold start is a critical point to comply with new regulations, and the fuel film formed by spray impingement on the piston wall is closely related. In this context, the purpose of this study is to clarify the liquid film formation process of spray impinging on a low temperature wall. Total internal reflection laser induced fluorescence (TIR-LIF) method was applied to the liquid film formed by wall impingement gasoline spray. TIR-LIF method can measure the fluorescence from liquid film without the influence of the spray droplet. The fluorescence intensity from the liquid film depends on the film thickness and temperature. In this paper, a new analytical method that models the heat transfer phenomena related to the liquid film was developed. Using those methods, the liquid film formation process was evaluated.

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