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Fuel Injection Characteristics of Diesel Spray under Low Temperature Conditions


Detailed Information

Author(J)1) 伊藤 嘉浩, 2) 林田 和宏, 3) 胡 杰, 4) 角田 直人, 5) 南 利貴
Author(E)1) Yoshihiro Ito, 2) Kazuhiro Hayashida, 3) Jie Hu, 4) Naoto Tsunoda, 5) Toshitaka Minami
Affiliation(J)1) 北見工業大学大学院, 2) 北見工業大学, 3) 北見工業大学, 4) いすゞ自動車(株), 5) いすゞ自動車(株)
Affiliation(E)1) Graduate School of Kitami Institute of Technology, 2) Kitami Institute of Technology, 3) Kitami Institute of Technology, 4) Isuzu Motors Limited, 5) Isuzu Motors Limited


Abstract(E)In order to understand the characteristics of diesel spray under low temperature conditions, it is important to understand the temporal variation of fuel injection rate. In this study, the effects of fuel injection conditions and atmospheric pressure on fuel injection rate under low temperature conditions were investigated using momentum flux. Obtained results show that the start of injection delays and the rate of fuel injection decreases with decreasing fuel temperature due to increasing the fuel viscosity. In the case of a short injection duration, the end of injection becomes faster as the fuel temperature decreases.

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