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Clarification of fuel and oil flow behaviour around the piston rings of internal combustion engines -- Simultaneous analysis of oil flow behaviour and oil emissions during transient operation

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Michael Leonhard Stark (Technical University Munich)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

A Study on the Control of Cycle-to-cycle Combustion Variations in a Gasoline Engine Using Machine Learning

Publication code
Koyo Horie (The University of Tokyo)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

Demonstration Test of Automotive Photovoltaic System for an Electric Vehicle

Publication code
Yosuke Tomita (Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

Investigation of exhaust particles on different TEM grids: A comparison between Graphene oxide and Silicon Nitride grids

Publication code
Salvatore Lagana (University of Nottingham)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

Study on initial flame kernel development and local quenching effect during spark ignition process in a high-speed lean gasoline-air turbulent flow

Publication code
Fangsi Ren (The University of Tokyo)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

Influence of Reforming by Non-Equilibrium Plasma on Spontaneous Ignition of n-Heptane/Ethanol/N2/O2 Mixture

Publication code
Masaki Otani (Nihon Unversity)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

Realization of HCCI Combustion by Internal EGR using CI Engine with Variable Valve Timing System (First Report)

Publication code
Masaya Terada (Osaka Sankyo Univ.)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

Effect of Olefin Component Mixed to Gasoline on Thermal Efficiency in EGR Diluted Conditions Using Single-Cylinder Engine

Publication code
Zhiyuan Wang (Chiba University)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

Friction Prediction Method for Engine Bearings using EHD Analysis Considering Modified Friction Coefficient and Running-in depending on Lubrication Conditions

Publication code
Yohei Kurabe (Taiho kogyo co.,LTD.)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

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