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Experimental research og oxymethylene dimethyl ether for a diesel engine achieving low emissions and improving thermal efficiency

Publication code
脇坂 佳史 (㈱豊田中央研究所)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

Potential of a Dual-fuel Engine using Carbon Neutral Fuel Ignited with Diesel Pilot (Second Report) - Combustion strategy of high efficiency and zero emissions in a diesel-ammonia dual fuel engine -

Publication code
稲垣 和久 ((株)豊田自動織機)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

CO2 concentration enhancement method in exhaust gas by supplying oxygen to the gas engine

Publication code
島田 敦史 (㈱日立製作所)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

Effects of hydrogen co-firing on gas engine performance of power generation gas engine

Publication code
山崎 光 (三菱重工エンジン&ターボチャージャ㈱)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

Improvements on lean burn characteristics of natural gas ignited with diesel fuel in a dual fuel engine with ozone addition

Publication code
宮田 翔紀 (岡山大学)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

Ignition Characteristics in Pre-chamber Spark Ignition Gas Engines ~Visualization of Pre- chamber Flame Jet~

Publication code
金尾 暢祐 (岡山大学)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

Study on ignition and combustion of methane added with hydrogen by prechamber ignition system

Publication code
西村 勇飛 (大分大学)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

Effects of hydrogen additives on the jet flame propagation of natural gas using passive pre- chamber

Publication code
池田 陸人 (京都大学)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

Numerical Study on Main Chamber Ignition and Combustion Mechanisms by Pre-chamber Hot Gas Jet

Publication code
木村 真 (㈱サステナブル・エンジン・リサーチセンター)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

A Study of Lean-burn Gasoline Engine using the Fuel Reforming Prechamber Combustion

Publication code
窪山 達也 (千葉大学)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2023

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