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Fuel Injection Characteristics of Diesel Spray under Low Temperature Conditions

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Yoshihiro Ito (Graduate School of Kitami Institute of Technology)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2021

Measurement of Fuel Injection Rate of Multi-Hole Nozzle Using Momentum Flux

Publication code
Takahiro Ishikawa (Graduate School of Kitami Institute of Technology)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2021

Analysis of liquid film formation process at low temperature by wall impingement direct injection gasoline spray

Publication code
Dai Matsuda (Graduate School of Doshisha University)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2021

Formation of fuel film formed by fuel spray impingement on walls with various surface roughness

Publication code
Yutaro Kasuya (Graduate School of Tokyo Denki University)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2021

Numerical Prediction of Mixture Formation Process up to Auto-Ignition of an Ethanol Spray in a Rapid Compression and Expansion Machine

Publication code
Hikaru Tsunoda (Graduate School of Sojo University)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2021

Study on Combustion Characteristics of Spark Assisted Gasoline Auto-Ignition Combustion

Publication code
Ryota Miyake (Graduate School of Kanazawa Institute of Technology)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2021

A Study of PCCI Combustion Control Method using Low-Pressure Impingement Spray of DISI Swirl Injectors and GTL Fuel

Publication code
Hidekazu Koda (Graduate School of Ryukyu University)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2021

Effects of PFJ on the injection and production behavior of OH radical in HCCI combustion

Publication code
Koichi Osaki (Kyushu University)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2021

Study on HCCI Combustion by Internal EGR (First Report)

Publication code
Masaya Terada (Graduate School of Osaka Sangyo University)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2021

A study on Lower Operating Limit in Stoichiometric Operation for Natural Gas/Diesel Dual Fuel Engine

Publication code
Takahito Niimi (Kyoto University)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2021

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