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An experimental study to assess the impact of discharge frequency of the dielectric barrier discharge on ignition process of premixed mixture under elevated pressure

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Saurabh AGRAWAL (Kyoto University)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

Residual Gas Fraction Measurement and Estimation of the CFR Octane Rating Engine Operating Under HCCI Conditions

Publication code
Jorge Pulpeiro Gonzalez (Argonne National Laboratory)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

Routes to market for Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils

Publication code
Dhanesh Goberdhan (Infineum UK)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

Developing a numerical method for simulating physical and chemical processes that lead to LSPI

Publication code
Adnan Mahmood (BP)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

Study on the image recognition of ammonia ignition process induced by methanol micro-jet ignition

Publication code
Peng Wang (Dalian University of Technology)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

Study on Novel Combustion Technologies to Achieve “High-heels” Heat Release Rate Profile in a Higher-compression-ratio Diesel Engine

Publication code
Noboru Uchida (New A.C.E. Institute Co., Ltd.)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

Investigation of Dimethyl Ether Dual-Fuel Combustion Using Propane and Ethanol as Premixed Fuel

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Simon LeBlanc (University of Windsor)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

Development of film heat transfer model based on multiphase flow numerical analysis

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Takeshi Nagasawa (Mazda Motor Corporation)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

Development of Flexible System for Demand and Supply Imbalance considering Battery Lifetime

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Daiki Komatsu (Hitachi, Ltd.)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

Improvement of efficiency and quietness with Externally Excited Synchronous Motor

Publication code
Xu Fan (Nissan Motor Corporation)
Paper/Info type
Other International Conferences
Date of publication
Aug 2023

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