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The influence of main-bearing asperity-contact on combustion-induced vibration of a diesel engine.

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Hitoshi Oguchi (Graduate School of Yamaguchi University)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2021

Effect of DLC coating journal on improving seizure resistance of plain bearings

Publication code
Takumi Iwata (Graduate School of Tokyo City University)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2021

Evaluation of Cycle-to-cycle Variations for Local Fuel Concentration using Large Eddy Simulation

Publication code
Masahiro Matsuoka (Japan Automobile Research Institute)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2021

A Study of Emission Characteristics for Power Generation Small Gasoline Engine by Using Standard Fuel of Iso-Octane and Toluene

Publication code
Takasumi Doi (Graduate School of Hosei University)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2021

Research on In-cylinder Water Injection in Super-Lean Burn Spark Ignition Engine using RCEM

Publication code
Yusuke Takase (Tokyo Institute of Technology School of Engineering)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2021

On the Laminar Flame Speed Correlations to Improve Prediction Accuracy of a Phenomenological Combustion Submodel in an Ultra-Lean SI Engine

Publication code
Ratnak Sok (Waseda University)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2021

Effects of Swirling Flow in Intake Pipe on Gasoline Engine Performance

Publication code
Shoichiro INUI (Kyushu University)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2021

Expansion of EGR Limitation by improved air-motion and air-fuel mixture in DI Gasoline Engine

Publication code
Ryo Kusakabe (Hitachi Astemo, Ltd.)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2021

Optimization of Fuel Injection Schedule in a Port Fuel Injected Spark Ignition Engine at Cold Start Using a Simple Model

Publication code
Takumi Sekiguchi (Graduate School of Science and Technology Gunma University)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2021

Effect of combustion characteristics of blended fuels on lean limit in SI engine

Publication code
Taiga Hosoda (Keio University)
Paper/Info type
Symposium Text
Date of publication
Dec 2021

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